vaginal dryness

5 Reasons You’re Experiencing Vaginal Dryness

Many stereotypes surrounding intercourse have clouded the general population’s understanding of normal performing bodies and healthy sex functions. Vaginal dryness is more common than one may think, rarely harmful, and can be treated in several different ways.   

Common Reasons For Vaginal Dryness

Just because you can’t get wet before or during sex does not necessarily mean you aren’t turned on. The list of reasons that have nothing to do with lack of arousal goes on and on. Here at Raleigh OB/GYN, our goal is to separate fact from fiction and give proper education on why your body reacts the way it does in certain situations. Read below to learn 5 reasons you may be experiencing vaginal dryness.  

Medical Conditions

One main reason you may be experiencing vaginal dryness is due to underlying medical conditions. Diabetes which can result in high blood sugars can cause damage to the blood vessels in your vagina, leading to a lack of lubrication. Chemotherapy, a cancer treatment, may cause a loss of estrogen production in your ovaries, contributing to vaginal dryness. 


Yeast infections are a medical infection that can interfere with your ability to get wet, as they disrupt the balance of flora in the vagina. Other symptoms that often accompany yeast infections include itching and irritation in the vagina and vulva, a burning sensation, or a vaginal rash. Other medical conditions that can lead to vaginal dryness include thyroid disorders, immune system disorders, and even STDs.

Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits

Engaging in unhealthy lifestyle habits has a track record of contributing to several underlying illnesses or problems, vaginal dryness included. Nicotine and smoking cigarettes are directly linked to increased difficulty in getting wet. According to Women’s Health Mag, vaginal lubrication results from increased blood flow to the vagina. Smoking causes a decrease in circulation of blood flow, making it challenging to become lubricated. Douching and water-based lube also may contribute to you being drier than usual.

Stress And Mental Health

Anxiety, stress, and depression are demons of their own but can also host several side effects. It is easy to become distracted during stressful times, making it challenging to be fully present, especially in the bedroom. Hopkins Medicine suggests a primary symptom of anxiety and depression is a decrease in your libido or natural sex drive. A common way to try and combat low libido and depression includes therapy, such as cognitive behavior therapy.    

Menopause Or Perimenopause

Although not something many women look forward to, menopause is inevitable and often comes with some whacky and unpleasant side effects. The Mayo Clinic suggests that during menopause, your vaginal tissues become thinner and easily irritated, resulting from the natural decline in your body’s estrogen levels. Similarly, perimenopause is the time around menopause when your body begins to make the natural transition to menopause. Both menopause and perimenopause can decrease your natural vaginal lubrication. 

Certain Medications

Although some medications are necessary for our overall well-being, certain ones can mess with bodily functions. A few medications known to hinder your ability to get wet include antihistamines, Accutane, and antidepressants. Anti-depressants, specifically, can directly impact your sex drive through a decrease of estrogen. Additionally, birth control pills can affect lubrication in a way similar to antidepressants, as a low-dose birth control pill can decrease levels of estrogen in the body.

There are many reasons you may be experiencing vaginal dryness, both psychological and physiological. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to go about treatments and resolving the underlying issue at hand. If you have any concerns with vaginal lubrication or any other questions regarding sexual intercourse, give Raleigh OB/GYN a call at 919-876-8225 or request an appointment.