Am I a Good Candidate for a VBAC?
Many women in the US have given birth via Cesarean, or C-section. There are many reasons that this may be necessary or planned for, but there are some preconceived notions about C-sections that may not be true. One of those notions is that once you’ve had a C-section, all of your subsequent deliveries must be … Continue reading Am I a Good Candidate for a VBAC?
Which Type of Birth Control is Right for You?
Birth control is not a one-size-fits-all solution, nor is it even one-size-fits-most. From pills to implants and everything in between, there are a wide variety of birth control options available. The type of birth control that is best for you will be determined by your health, lifestyle, access to certain methods, and even your insurance … Continue reading Which Type of Birth Control is Right for You?
3 Warning Signs of Postpartum Depression You Shouldn’t Ignore
Postpartum depression affects more women than you might think. And not all women who struggle with it are aware that what they’re experiencing goes beyond the “baby blues.” That’s why we’re outlining a few of the warning signs of postpartum depression for Maternal Mental Health Month in May. The Postpartum Period A full-term pregnancy is … Continue reading 3 Warning Signs of Postpartum Depression You Shouldn’t Ignore
5 Menopause Care Tips
The time when a woman stops having menstrual periods and permanently ends fertility is known as menopause. If you are going through menopause, you will likely experience a variety of symptoms including hot flashes, night sweats, forgetfulness, sleeping challenges, a low sex drive, hair loss, and weight gain. Fortunately, there are ways you can reduce … Continue reading 5 Menopause Care Tips
5 Tips to Help Ease PMS Symptoms
We’ve all heard the stereotypes about premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that make it seem like women who suffer from it are just irrational and unpredictably moody. But PMS can be more than pesky mood swings that are inconvenient to the person dealing with PMS and those around them. Severe PMS can be a condition that disrupts … Continue reading 5 Tips to Help Ease PMS Symptoms
What to Expect if You Have a C-Section
Whether you are currently pregnant or planning on getting pregnant, you have probably thought about birthing plans and the different ways babies can be delivered. While vaginal birth is generally the recommended option in uncomplicated pregnancies, some women may require a C-section due to complications either during pregnancy or while in labor. It is important … Continue reading What to Expect if You Have a C-Section
What Age Should My Daughter See a Gynecologist?
Most parents are well-versed in preventative healthcare for their children. They follow the recommended schedule for well visits and immunization and schedule the sports physical so their child can play soccer. They know when it’s time for dental cleanings, and inevitably when it’s time to consult an orthodontist. But, when it comes to raising girls, … Continue reading What Age Should My Daughter See a Gynecologist?
6 Signs of Endometriosis You Need to Know
Each time we turn on the news or scroll through social media, it seems like another female celebrity is sharing her experience with endometriosis–a disease in which the lining of the uterus grows in other places in the body. From Dancing with the Stars’ Julianne Hough and Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi to Susan Sarandon … Continue reading 6 Signs of Endometriosis You Need to Know
6 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day (IWD) is just around the corner on March 8th. International Women’s Day is a day that’s celebrated worldwide to highlight the social, cultural, political, and economic achievements of women. It’s also a time when women come together to advocate for women’s equality and gender parity. How You Can Celebrate International Women’s Day … Continue reading 6 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day
4 HPV and Cervical Cancer Facts
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 12,000 women in the United States get cervical cancer. The leading cause of cervical cancer is the human papilloma virus (HPV), a common type of sexually transmitted disease. That’s why Cervical Health Awareness Month each January was established. Raising awareness about HPV and cervical … Continue reading 4 HPV and Cervical Cancer Facts