Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms You Haven’t Heard Of

Pregnancy symptoms are not one-fits-all. In fact, pregnancy symptoms hardly will ever look the same from woman to woman. Some women begin to experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 2-3 weeks, while others may experience little to no symptoms throughout their pregnancy. Either way, there are a host of pregnancy symptoms that, although bizarre, are totally normal.

Unexpected Pregnancy Symptoms 

Although every pregnancy is a unique and memorable journey, some pregnancy symptoms are more frequent than others. Some of the most common early pregnancy symptoms, according to the American Pregnancy Association, include:


  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Missed period
  • Tender and swollen breasts
  • Increased urination
  • Fatigue


As conventional as these symptoms seem, as your pregnancy continues, the hormonal changes in your body may lead to unusual pregnancy symptoms beyond the first signs and symptoms. Here at Raleigh OB/GYN, we want to ensure you are prepared for anything pregnancy might throw your way.


Though alarming, nosebleeds are relatively common during pregnancy. When pregnant, your blood volume increases to support the growing baby, and the pressure from the extra blood may sometimes cause vessels to rupture. These ruptures often happen in the nasal cavity because the nose has tiny blood vessels that can irritate and dry out from normal breathing. 


Dysgeusia, or distortion in taste, is caused in pregnant women due to hormone changes. Many women describe having a metallic taste in their mouth or complete aversions to the foods they liked pre-pregnancy. Even though there isn’t a specific way to avoid dysgeusia, some tricks to try include:


  • Eat what you can, and don’t feel bad about avoiding certain foods  
  • Drink citrus juices like lemonade to combat the metallic taste
  • Stay consistent in brushing your teeth
  • Try rinsing your mouth with a mild salt or baking soda solution
  • Considering switching your prenatal vitamin 


It is important to remember that dysgeusia doesn’t last forever and usually subsides by the second trimester. You’ll be back to eating your favorite foods in no time!   

Increased Heart Rate

Around the 8-10 week mark of pregnancy, your heart may begin to pump faster and harder. This is usually no cause for concern, as having heart palpitations and arrhythmias are frequent side effects of pregnancy. When pregnant, your blood volume increases significantly, and your heart must work harder to pump the blood throughout your body. Healthline suggests your blood flow will increase between 30 and 50 percent during pregnancy. 


If you experience palpitations accompanied by chest pain, trouble breathing, dizziness, or confusion, seek medical help immediately. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition of the hand and fingers caused by the compression of a major nerve that often causes pain, tingling, numbness, or burning through the carpal bones, wrist, and flexor tendons of the hand. When pregnant, your hormones trigger fluid retention, which causes swelling. This swelling can push against the carpal tunnel’s median nerve, which increases pressure in the carpal tunnel and may lead to pain in the wrist and hand. Approximately 31% to 62% of pregnant patients experience carpal tunnel syndrome. Typically, CTS starts during the third trimester of pregnancy and will subside after your baby is born.

Sore And Bleeding Gums

As other symptoms, sore and bleeding gums, often referred to as pregnancy gingivitis, occur due to hormonal changes in the body and result from plaque build-up on the teeth. The best way to combat sore and bleeding gums is to practice good oral hygiene. Some other remedies include:


  • Use an anti-gingivitis toothpaste or mouthwash
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Fully remove plaque when brushing your teeth


If pregnancy gingivitis becomes painful and unmanageable, it is always recommended to consult your dentist or hygienist.


Becoming pregnant is followed by an array of different symptoms, some of which are more common than others. Raleigh OB/GYN is dedicated to helping you understand every step of your unique pregnancy journey. If you have been struggling with pregnancy symptoms, set up an appointment to talk to your doctor. You can schedule an appointment through our website or give us a call at (919) 876-8225.